What is EDO Web?

EDO Web is an online performance support tool for EDO Champions involved in all kind of organizational effectiveness efforts, continuous improvement programs and changes initiatives. Its primary objective is to support the application of the EDO Mechanism - an insight-driven, systemic method for Effective (Further) Development of Organizations. The scientific, field-tested EDO Mechanism is used by many companies around the globe to improve their results and establish an excellent, sustainable way of operation.

EDO Web is hosted by Life – Ladner institute of endurance AG. The institute has developed the EDO Mechanism as well as the EDO Web and continually provides new updates and application to further enhance the performance of EDO Champions.


How can EDO Web help me?

As an EDO Champion:

·         Your work load in the application of the EDO Mechanism will be substantially reduced

·         You will have an ideal work environment for the application of the EDO Mechanism

·         Your EDO Cycles will require less of your time

·         You will take more of your EDO Cycles

·         You will be able to integrate easier, more efficiently and more professionally the work team members of an EDO Cycle (especially those members that are geographically or organizationally apart)

·         You will be able to get better, online support for your EDO Cycle from your coach and/or other Champions

·         You will boost your network within the EDO Champions community

·         You will be provided with the newest updates and applications of the EDO Web, what will further improve your performance as EDO Champion

·         You will be up-to-date with the achievements of other EDO Champions

As a work team member of an EDO Cycle:

·         You will have worldwide access to all EDO Cycles you participated

·         You will have support by data collection 

·         You will enjoy a consistent basis of information for all involved ones and a transparent basis for decision-making 


How can EDO Web help my Organization?

With EDO Web your organization will:

·         Enjoy easier collaboration over organization boundaries

·         Identify faster and easier possible synergies and apply them more efficiently

·         Have access to valuable information that can be used in its own context

·         Have a higher flexibility, speed and success rate in implementing changes 


Do I need any special software or hardware to use EDO Web?

You don't need any special hardware or software or a special hardware infrastructure to access the EDO Web applications. These can be connected and used quickly and easily via your web browser. The applications are versatile and can be applied any time and anywhere.